•New - Two new code fields - Donor Source, Donor Type - have been added to the Donor Name and Address Screen. To use these fields you must setup codes in the Setup menu section. You will find data entry setup menu items - one for each.
•New Field on Donor Name and address - "Our Number" - added for churches to use as "Envelop Number" and for organization with Member Id Numbers. There is a button on field, that when pressed will assign the next highest number. In administration there is a utility to assign "Our Number" globally
•New Function on Donor History Tab - Issue Replacement Receipts - Canada Revenue Agency requires that if a donor has lost their receipt and you are being asked to replace it, that you should void the original and issue a new receipt number. This button will do that.
•Enhance - Label Printing - you can set Font Size
•Option Administration - Name and Address Tab - Use Built-in Email and Save Email messages - turning this option on - will cause the Send Email button that is found on the donor profile beside the donor email address, to launch an internal form to send emails and if the option to save has been turned a new Tab titled Email will show on the Donor Profile screen. When this option is unchecked the default windows email client program is launched.