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BasicFunder Release Notes

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In-Memory/Honor Of Notifications

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BasicFunder now has a module to send Notification letters to people when donations/gifts have been received In Memory/Honor of some one.  The donor who gave the donation will receive the Thank You Letter/Receipt in the normal manner.  Family members, friends, colleagues can receive notifications, that donations have been received In Memory/Honor Of.


In the Donation Entry screen below we can see where we indicate a Donation was given In-Memory/Honor of someone... in this example the person is "Kenneth Gordon".





The setup of In-Memory/Honor Of people, has been expanded to allow you to associate persons whom you want to send notification letters to, when In-Memory/Honor Of gifts are received.


1.  Select the In-Memory/Honor Of person from the In-Memory/Honor Of List.

2.  Click the Associate Person.  A Search List will appear, allowing you to select from the Donor List.

3.  If you want to remove someone form receiving a notification, highlight their name and Click the Remove Association button.





You need to setup a Letter specifically designated to be used for Notifications.  




On the Letter/Receipt menu, use the In Memory Notification option to generate letters.





Follow the steps....


1.  Select a Date Range


Selection Process:

Only Donation with in the date range will be considered

The Donation must have an In-Memory/Honor Of selection on it

The In-Memory/Honor Of Setup must have Associated people assigned to receive the Letter.


2. Select the Letter


3. Preview/Print  .. Labels to if you need them...


